
My bamboo cutlery is an amazing alternative for single use cutlery. Also it is far more fun to use it and more tasty.

Playground Flooring Eco

Playground floors are made of plastic. We want to make them with recycled plastic.

Noise barrier highway

My idea is to use plastic waste to build noise barriers on highways. Plastic can be pressed and then melted towards the best shape. This way a lot of plastic waste can be transformed in a senseful way. I know it is not a solution yet to avoid plastic. But at least it re-uses single use plastic for a new long lasting product.

No-Plastic Diaper

Every baby uses around 7.000 diapers until it can go itself to the toilet. All these diapers are single use and end up in the waste bin. They are not even recyclable. On the other hand cotton diapers are not convinient. They are linked to a feeling of discuss and discomfort. Also they come super bulky. Creating much more volume on the baby and being heavy. On the other side, the advantage is clear. No chemicals, no sweating/heating up. Less waste. Thus I would like to work with experts to develop a re-usable diaper. Based on the example of menstruation underwear I would like to develop a high absorbing, non-smelling, super comfortable equivalent for diapers.

Pfandsystem für Kosmetik

Meine Klasse und ich haben die Idee, dass wir ein Pfandsystem für Kosmetik entwickeln. So können ganz viel Plastikbehälter vermieden werden, die nach nur einmal Nutzen im Müll landen!

Seating Walls

We are skaters and love to be outside. We live in Hanover and a few places can be used in the city to skate. The area is surrounded by concrete buildings and all looks quite dark and grey. A few walls are painted, but the city doesn't allow us to paint more. Furthermore, a lot of trash is brought to this area as there are many shops around it and shopping people unwrap their stuff nearby.
Therefore, we want to solve two issues: 1) get rid of plastic waste and 2) get our area more colourful.
This is our idea: We'll use recycling machines built from Precious Plastic or Kunststoffschmiede to create our seating walls.


Wir haben so viele Plastikbehälter, die täglich genutzt werden. Irgendwann ist der Inhalt leer und die Verpackung wird weggeworfen. Wir sind eine DIY-Community, die ihre Produkte weitestgehend selbst herstellt. Das können Pflege- oder Reinigungsprodukte sein. Doch immer wieder brauchen wir andere Behälter z.B. Sprühflaschen oder größere Behälter für Waschmittel. Wir wollen einerseits Aufmerksamkeit erzeugen und andererseits mehr Leute zusammenbringen, die sich über Rezepte austauschen. Damit sich viele mit beteiligen können, wollen wir eine Plastikbörse einrichten, wo unterschiedliche Plastikbehälter angeboten werden können. Am besten wäre eine Art Kiosk direkt an der Strasse in unserer Stadt z.B: Köln Hauptbahnhof, wo man gesäuberte Behälter einwerfen kann. Aber wie gehen wir sicher, dass nur saubere Dinge eingeworfen werden? Welche Marketing-Strategie gibt es für uns?

Bio-Packaging Containers

Our paper containers can be used for all kinds of materials and products. Cardboard is better for the environment than plastic as it can be recycled many times. The containers can be of all sizes. The best material to get things wrapped and stored. If it's not of use anymore one can put it in the recycle bin or to the compost as it is biodegradable.

CD Curtains

All our parents have tons of music CDs. But they don't even have a CD player anymore to play them. Due to the use of music streaming providers the usage of CDs has gone. To not just waste these big amounts of CDs we want wo use them as shades or to build curtains at our schools so that it will be easier to separate the rooms. The designed curtains can have different lengths and widths as it is needed.
Another idea is to use them as wall decorations. We'll organize an idea contest what our fellows come up with ideas for the second life of CDs.

Plastic Hero Game

With my study colleagues we came up with the idea of creating a mobile game for kids. It is a running game like Super Mario Bros, where the hero has to collect aa much plastic waste as possible. There will be special challenges to fight special enemies. This can be the convenience monster, or the to-go monster, or the oil industry spreader. Always the hero needs to find special ingredients to be able to combat these special monsters.