Zooplastics - Picture
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Filipa Bessa

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Initiatives and interventions

Describe your idea! How does it work to reduce / replace plastic? How will you involve others?

This series of images entitled ZOOPLASTICS aim to raise awareness about the issue of plastic pollution in coastal and marine environments, in particular, the smaller and almost invisible particles that can result from the fragmentation of bigger pieces or being produced in small sizes, defined by scientists as microplastics (with less than 5 mm).

ZOOPLASTICS is a description given to all these “new species” found in aquatic habitats.

All plastic pieces were photographed under a stereo microscope (LEICA M80) and have been extracted from samples collected from the waters and sediments of the oceans, rivers and beaches and from the gut content of several aquatic species.

The idea is to spread the message that plastics are getting smaller and are present in all environmental media.