Prachi Nagpal
Team members
Vaibhav Sanghvi
To which topic does your idea refer?
Circular Economy
Describe your idea! How does it work to reduce / replace plastic? How will you involve others?
We at WeCycle, have come up with a service that helps our customers (food shops) meet their daily dishwashing needs and help them, to switch from disposable tableware to reusable tableware without altering their current infrastructure.
With a centralized dishwashing place, we will wash tableware and deliver it to the food shop owners on a daily basis. It will be a subscription-based model where we will also own the tableware and hence, the maintenance and damages will be our responsibility.
This way, each year, our customers can save about 60/70% of how much they spend on buying disposables. And with governments planning to propose surcharges on disposables, this number is bound to increase and add further credence to our proposed solution.
Our aim is to create decentralized hubs where the local communities become stakeholders. We also hope to offer a broader variety of solutions and increase customer options. To conclude, by introducing a dishwashing service for reusable tableware, we are preventing the generation of single-use disposable waste.
Our customers don’t have to Recycle it, they simply have to WeCycle it!
Think bigger - What can you add to your idea to make it 1 million times more effective?
A deposit-based system for our reusable take-out containers where dishwashing services can partner with other local restaurants to create a network of pick-up and return locations can make our idea more effective.
Effectiveness: How much plastic can be saved with your idea?
If our dishwashing service model is adopted by every food joint, the idea of disposable utensils will not exist anymore!
Reach: How many people can be reached with this idea?
This idea is for every eatery which uses disposables to hand out food to its customers. From big food chains like McDonald's to small sandwich shops, it can reach both.
Implementation: What does it take to realize your idea or make it even more successful?
Initially, we want an angel investor or a venture capitalist investing in our business and then at a later stage when we have minimum daily revenue-generating clients on board then we use rolling revenue to scale our business further.
Sustainability - How sustainable is your idea? What are the benefits for the environment?
1. Recycling of utensils will reduce by up to 70% 2. No more investment in manufacturing of disposable utensils 3. Reduction in non-recyclable disposable waste that is dumped in landfills 4. Our service will wash on a big scale and hence, we will filter and reuse our water.