Initiator of the Plastic Revolution project is the Institute for Art and Innovation e.V.
We are convinced that we can promote sustainable transformations in society with the power of creativity, cooperation in partnership and joint solution orientation. We succeed in this with top-class partner institutions, great supporters and a fantastic team:
VICTORIA TROSIA is an innovation strategist, digital strategist and entrepreneur. She works with companies and start-ups worldwide. Her passion for people and ideas drives her. Her goal is to inspire and enable change. To achieve this, she applies her highly creative thinking to problem solving. Above all, she combines her entrepreneurial thinking with a great deal of curiosity to understand and solve challenges!
NICOLE LOESER ist Kuratorin, Entrepreneur und Dozentin. Mit großer Leidenschaft realisiert sie zahlreiche internationale und EU-Projekte und ermöglicht somit die interdisziplinäre Entwicklung von Lösungen. Projekte sieht sie als Möglichkeiten für Diskurs und co-kreative Wissensproduktion. Wichtig sind ihr partizipative Formate in Form von öffentlichen und digitalen (Kunst-)Interventionen, Panels, Workshops und Kampagnen, die die sozial-ökologischen sowie digitalen Transformationen fördern.
SVJETLANA TUNGUZ is brand manager and visual communicator. She applies her brand strategies and great design solutions to the education, start-up and corporate sectors. She enjoys supporting and working on effective solutions to create a greener future.
CLAIRE LECONTE is a digital marketing specialist with sales experience, especially for brand awareness of international technology start-ups in the e-commerce industry She lives in a creative environment and manages cross-industry projects. Her goal is to initiate social change and raise awareness for sustainability.
NANDINI AGARWAL lebt derzeit in Neu-Delhi, Indien. Sie hat Initiativen zur nachhaltigen Menstruation geleitet, die Frauen stärken, dabei Tabus brechen und die Plastikverschmutzung reduzieren. Nach Abschluss ihres Masterstudiums in Umweltpolitik an der Sciences Po in Paris schloss sie sich einem Projekt zur städtischen Landwirtschaft in Delhi an. Die Aktionen zielen auf die Vermehrung lokal angebauter Bio-Produkte und die Bereitstellung fairer Handlungsmöglichkeiten für alle ab. Nandini unterstützt Plattformen für die Gesellschaft, damit Menschen sich wieder mit der Natur verbinden können.
MAGDALENA BORTEL ist Masterstudentin der Medienwissenschaft an der Technischen Universität in Berlin und schon immer eine Naturfreundin. Sie versucht vegan und zero waste zu leben, aber es ist ihr noch wichtiger, dass Nachhaltigkeit und Biodiversität nicht nur für die Ökofreaks von Bedeutung sind.
SOPHIE GRAFTIEAUX is an economist and expert on European policy. She deals with innovation policy and works for green and digital start-ups. She is enthusiastic about the premise of economic renewal in the realization of environmentally sound business models and solutions for ecological challenges.
BARBARA VID ist Beraterin und Executive Coach mit viel Erfahrung in den Bereichen Markenaufbau, Kommunikation, Service Design und Organisationsentwicklung. Sie liebt es, Träume in die Realität sowie Ideen in Unternehmen umzusetzen. Ihr gelingt es, sinnvolle, nachhaltige Lösungen für Herausforderungen zu finden. Unternehmen unterstützt sie dabei, ihre Marken aufzubauen, mit einem starken Fokus auf positivem Impact und gesundem Wachstum.
MANUEL BENEVENTE ist unabhängiger Berater und Researcher in Umweltfragen. Er forschte vor allem zu Konflikten im Amazonasgebiet, wo er mit einer lokalen Organisation zusammenarbeitete.
MAJA CUTTERER is a communications expert and project manager with many years of experience in the positioning and strategic development of brands and products in corporate and start-up environments. Her passion is to work together with like-minded people on sustainable and ethical solutions for active environmental protection and to sensitize people to their social responsibility.
SARA KEMMOU is an environmental engineer and scientist. Between laboratory and office work, her scientific research is particularly focused on all those aspects where solutions have to be found when habitats and other areas of the environment are negatively affected. She is happy if she can support developments for a green and sustainable world.
ELIZABETH LOMBARDO is a graphic designer from Vancouver, Canada. She is passionately committed to environmental issues in society. She strives to bring about change and raise awareness. Inspired by design, she explores the role it plays in communicating and delivering meaningful and effective messages in our modern landscape.
LEONARD MEATMAN is a law student from Berlin. He is convinced that interdisciplinary cooperation is an important factor in promoting the realization of environmentally friendly innovations. His aim is to support young innovators in their projects with his commitment and legal expertise. In addition, his long-term goal is to help the Institute for Art and Innovation e.V. to gain more political influence in order to promote ecological solutions at this level as well.
LARA BUZZER is a marketing and communications expert with a B.A. in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Alicante, Spain. Thanks to her study experiences in Germany and the USA, she realized that she likes to serve others through what she loves, through communication.
SOPHIE BREWER is a graphic designer and project manager from the USA. She received her B.A. in Social Change and strives to combine her passion for innovation with her creativity to promote positive change in her community and society at large.
KELLY MADERA is a freelance author and content strategist. She holds a B.F.A. in Communication Studies from Loyola Marymount University and an M.A. in Fashion Studies with a focus on sustainable fashion from Parsons, The New School for Design.
SINEM KURT is a UI/UX designer. She loves to create designs that are aesthetically pleasing, easy to understand and almost unobtrusive.
JANINA KRÖGER is an event manager and loves the mix of (co-)creation, communication and coordination that makes up the industry. She uses her energy and pleasure in creating experiences and networks for socially and ecologically meaningful tasks.